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Golders Green Parish Church – Newsletter
1st July 2020
This weeks guest contributor is Ify
The year 2020 is turning out to be a remarkable one. We are only half way through yet it is building up to be a year the world would never forget for so many reasons. A year the Lord has made.
COVID-19, Lockdown, the biggest fall in global GDP e.g. in UK the biggest negative growth since records began, recession, uncertainties and in the midsts of these upheavals, the biggest civil rights movement (Black Lives Matter) in my lifetime.
I have been troubled by the recent events as indeed most people are. I felt compelled to share my thoughts on the Black Lives Matter. Issues about race is a very difficult conversation to have but it should be discussed regardless.
In the beginning, God create the heavens and earth and all there is in it, He saw how good His creation was. He then said, ‘let us create man in our imagine, to resemble us’ Genesis 1:26. God created humanity in his own image, man and woman. At no time did He create white race, black race, Asian race etc or did he assign superiority and inferiority to any group. He just simply created man in his own image. He created humanity. God’s creation is supported by the theory of human evolution and through the dispersion of man, some eventually lost the melanin that now differentiates our appearance. I am proud to be a member of God’s human race.
The events of the last weeks are not new nor a recent phenomenon or peculiar to USA. It was only brought to the forefront due to the public lynching of George Floyd which led to a global outcry. The barbaric nature of his killing shocked people (who would usually not be), into action. UK is equally as culpable as USA or indeed anywhere else in the world. Please remember racism is not just police brutality. There are different ways to kill someone, physically and/or mentally, each has it’s own devastating effect. Systematic racism still exists and is still thriving in every walk of life in the UK. It exists in different shapes and forms. Any denial to this, is indeed systematic racism in itself. I believe it starts with complicit bias which is a big part of this disease called racism.
Some would say “we (UK) are not in the same situation as in the USA”. I beg to differ. Whilst in USA the situation is more overt, here it is more covert - closet racism. They are same and one, if not worst, as closet racism affects the mental health more so than physical health. Mental illness eats into ones very being and slowly destroys the person.
There is a lot of work to be done in every walk of life. This calls for “man in the mirror” moment. We all have a part to play in dismantling some of the unconscious biases that exist. This is not America’s problem, it is our problem, it is a global problem. Everyone should stand up and be counted.
What Floyd’s death represents is a momentum for change. A call for reform, a reawakening from consciousness crisis that has plagued modern society and soul searching moment for all.
I’m so delighted to see the young white and black men and women spearheading this momentum for change. This movement is different from what I’ve seen with past protests. The faces are no longer predominantly black. Well done to the millennia and generation Zs for seeing beyond race and colour and standing up for what is right. This is so encouraging. However, it would be sad if this momentum is allowed to fizzle out without any change.
Let us all reflect and have an open mind about what BLM stands for. We know all lives matter, however at this moment it’s black lives we are talking about. I can only liken it to the parable of the lost sheep (Luke 15:4).
You may not understand because you have not walked in my shoes but you can educate yourselves and become better informed. I want to recommend a book by Reni Eddo-Lodge – ‘Why l’m no longer talking to white people about race’. Feedback from white colleagues who have read it said it gave them a different perspective on life growing up in Britain today.
Thank you to those who have already spoken out especially Sally. Thank you. #blacklivesmatter!
Have a fabulous week. Remain blessed, stay safe and stay alert.
Thank you Ify
Prof Oladipo Akinkugbe RIP
I heard this morning of the death of a dear friend of Golders Green Parish Church Prof Oladipo Akinkugbe. Please pray for his wife Dr Shade Akinkugbe and their family.
Happy retirement Sylvia.
Written by Rex Morton
After nearly 13 years as our Church Manager, yesterday, Sylvia began her retirement. I wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you to her for all that she has done for us over the years, the problem is, when I begin to think about all that she has achieved, I realise that I don’t have enough space! So what follows are just some highlights.
A few of us carried in the desk and filing cabinet and a few other bits that Sylvia brought with her into what was to become her office in September 2007. She immediately began to organise what else she needed. Fred, the then Churchwarden, called me on the telephone to say that he had received a call from the photocopier company to ask when could they deliver the new machine, he had told them he was sure the office would not be ready yet as Sylvia has only just move into it. I told him it was very much up and running and that she was waiting for the new photocopier and could he call them back and arrange immediate delivery! A sign of how things were going to be.
For me personally I could have never done anywhere near as much without my friend Sylvia’s help and support. This is especially true when I think back to the re-ordering of the Church building in 2010/11. This was as a huge project; I remember when I realised just how big it was, I was quite daunted by the size and complexity. Drawing on her experience and contacts from her time in property management she over-saw this project from start to finish. By keeping us all focused, enabled us to remain on schedule, and kept me from being under the builder’s feet!
Sylvia may not have been from the Anglican tradition, but she soon got to grips with how we celebrated the festivals during the year and most importantly what we needed in the way of candles, crosses, or service sheets. Although I confess to taking advantage of her inexperience in the Anglican tradition numerous times. On one occasion during a service asking her to bow when that was not required at all. But I am sure I paid the price for my mischief!
Sylvia over-saw the day-to-day running of the church building, the hall, and the flats. By using her particular skills that she brought with her from her years in business she is the reason they are all in such good order. She also looked after the day-to-day finance of the church, and she was always more reluctant to spend the churches money than her own, which is why she leaves us in solid and sound financial position. Sylvia ensured our bills were paid on time and that our providers were giving us a fair deal. British Gas realised that Sylvia was not someone to be messed with. The contract we had with them was not their cheapest, not only did she get them to renew it early to a much better tariff but after assuring them she would be calling them every day, they agreed to a rebate of £12,000!
But I am most grateful for the fun, friendship, and support that she gave to me personally. Sylvia and I have worked together for over 18 years, and I cannot imagine what ministry is going to be like not seeing her every week. But I think 18 years is a long enough sentence for anyone to work with a vicar!
From us all, happy retirement Sylvia and thank you so much for all you have done for us at Golders Green Parish Church.
Financial Update from Tim Nurse our Treasurer
In a normal year, we would by now have held our Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM), which includes presenting the Annual Report and Accounts for the previous year. This is an important document since, as well as informing church members, it is part of the returns to the Charity Commission and the Diocese, so is available to the public. While we have not yet been able to hold our APCM, the PCC have now approved the report and accounts for 2019. The good news is that at the end of 2019, the church was in a sound financial position; however, the lockdown has caused some issues with the loss of significant income from collections at services and the Toddler Group, while we still have ongoing and one-off expenses to pay. For example, we recently had a routine electrical safety report highlight a number of problems that we have had to have put right at a cost of around £2,000 . We may not be able to use the church building, but the usual outgoings in relation to electricity, gas, insurance and staff salaries have not gone away!
At this time we are extremely grateful to those who have been able to continue their giving, and their commitment encourages us greatly in these uncertain times. We appreciate that everyone is affected by the implications of Covid-19, including financially, but please do consider whether you are able to help secure the church finances for the future, whether by a one-off gift, by standing order / online or through the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) – the preferred method. If you would like to know more about PGS, please visit - you can now join by phone 0333 002 1271, quoting our Parish Code 230623302. Thank you very much.
Daily Hope - The Church of England Phone line church service - is available 24 hours a day on 0800 804 8044 – has been set up particularly with those unable to join online church services during the period of restrictions in mind.
Please continue to pray for those who have asked us as a community to pray for them
Okey Jnr, Margaret, Yvone, Anna, Jason, Ian, Eva, Juliette, Ivor, Myfanwy, Tim and Dorothy
We at Golders Green Church will continue to offer a number of ways we can and will keep in contact though emailing and phoning each other, the use of Facebook and the website, sending out updates by supporting those who need shopping, prescriptions fetched, letters posted and anything else you may need if you are isolated at home, whether you are in the over 70-year-old age group, or, have underlying health conditions.
The important thing is, PLEASE LET US KNOW. We are drawing up a list of volunteers we can call on to help. If anyone wants to add their names to this, please email Rex
Radio, Television and Online Worship
You may wish to join in worship during this time through television and radio.
Check online, in the Radio Times and elsewhere for details:
Songs of Praise BBC 1, Sunday afternoon, variable times
Sunday Worship BBC Radio 4, Sunday, 8.10am Choral Evensong BBC
Radio 3, Wednesday Daily Service
BBC Radio 4 (Longwave only), weekdays, 9.45am
Big Sunday Service Premier Christian Radio, Sunday, 7am, 8am, 10am Easter Sunday Eucharist A service is usually broadcast on the BBC on Easter morning
Free 24 hour telephone church service 0800 804 8044
Online resources Church of England Daily Prayer St Paul’s Cathedral have a number of resources available for us to use.
Church of England Online Resources during this time
Go On-line to " ps://", put in Area or post code and find a local church that broadcasts Worship.
Prayers from Christian Aid Pray as you Go (a short service each day in the Jesuit Tradition)
LICC have some great resources on their website
Especially on Covid-19
YouTube - Worship Video of the week Shout to The Lord & Agnus Dei Darlene Zschech
Do you have favourite worship songs? Please email them to Rex at